Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The first informational meeting for the May trip to Turkey went well. There are about 18 people in the group, some of whom had traveled together on other UVM-sponsored trips. Nobody is a kid. There are three people, counting me, over 75. My concern about being too old is resolved.

The long agenda was covered cheerfully and confidently by the two trip organizers. I like the relaxed atmosphere and the enthusiasm. Everyone seems prepared to be flexible and once details about a Turkish visa and various phone and currency items, websites for hotels, health, etc., were covered, the ambitious itinerary begins to look exciting and doable. It turns out there is a woman from Turkey going along and she is helpful about what to expect.

Luggage: one carry-on bag plus a rucksack or tote. Packing for this trip will be fun. I am a minimalist packer anyway. Worries right now? Not so many and I take back what I said about being wrong to want to be part of a local local group. That was right thinking and I see it will be very good to be with people from close to home. We all start from the same place and somehow, we'll go to and from Boston and Istanbul together. 

More later about the Turkey trip  -- probably in February, 2015.

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