Saturday, December 17, 2011



By Elinore Standard
From “Uptown Dogtown” an unpublished collection

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It snowed.

We made a fire and sat until late, reading.
Telling each other how lucky are are.
Unlike Virginia, who used to read a book a day
And now cannot go from one paragraph to the next.
Her mind was once filled with adventures
Of plucky spinsters and brave widows
 Like herself.

She looks out the window,
Swaying back and forth,
Clutching an old green pocketbook
That holds oddments and strange hoardings.

Like five Earl Gray teabags,
Wrapped with a thick rubber band,
And small, sharp scissors sneaked from the drawer.
There are crumbled Lorna Doones
And a couple of pink hair curlers,
Plus a wad of tissue and ten one-dollar bills
Which she counts and recounts.

Mad money.

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