Saturday, December 17, 2011


By Elinore Standard

       For years, I've been helping to choose new books for the public library
in Pound Ridge, NY but I realize I should stop because I've developed prejudices and blind opposition to many contemporary publishing categories. This is getting worse, fast.
        * I won't have anything to do with vampires and that leaves out work by the popular Ann Rice, among (too many) others.

       * I've never read science fiction so I leave the science fiction choices to others at the library. More and more, as I go through "Publishers' Weekly," I notice sci-fi elements have crept into regular reading lists in the form of time travel, space travel, the paranormal and the supernatural.

      * I don't do revisionist history or literature. I never liked "Wild Sargasso Sea," the Jean Rhys retelling of "Jane Eyre." I said I would not read another remake of Jane Austen but I did. I couldn't resist P.D. James's "Death Comes to Pemberly," and I have to say, it is very good.
       * Spare me talking cats and narrating dogs.
       * No "cozies," those mystery stories where everybody knits and makes cupcakes. Give me Nordic Gloom and Celtic Angst.
        * No Comics. Someone else covers that category.
        * As- told- to biographies are hard to like. Although there are few actors and athletes who can actually write, now and then one of them will produce  good memoir (sorry, Andre, not you).
        * No talking ghosts or dead people. This includes "Lovely Bones," a novel I began but put aside.
        * No letters. "Frankenstein" and "Dracula" are written in this venerable style, but, still…
        * No dialect.  Bestselling "The Help" comes close to being OK, but it's not.

         I understand a responsible library must walk a line between what it knows its customers want to read and what its permanent collection should hold, so now and then a librarian must knuckle under and spend $26 for bestselling garbage.  Like it or not, Dan Brown and Rhonda Byrne are with us.
        As much as I treasure books and enjoy reading, I realize it's better not to have somebody like me behind the scenes of the library's book selection process. It's time for a less constricted sensibility. 

Elinore Standard is the co-editor of "Bookworms: Great Writers
And Readers Celebrate Reading,' (Carroll & Graf, 1997). She is a former Trustee of the Hiram Halle Memorial Library and a Friend of the Fletcher Free Library.

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